
Darien Elderly Housing Darien CT
The Darien Elderly Housing complex was designed so as to provide a sense of place for both site and building. The multi-unit buildings produce the scale of a single-family residence. The cluster of buildings is configured so as to give the sense of a village or residential neighborhood. The idea is that the enclave creates a sense of comfort and belonging, and not simply a harsh expectation of a cold public senior housing facility. Different building massing types provide the variation required to create the read of a true neighborhood. A high percentage of landscaping creates a park-like atmosphere.
Taking a cue from the village green phenomenon of paths emerging via the connection between destination nodes, we proactively planned those paths to create an organic organization of paths between the units across a central courtyard. Again we see strategies put in place to foster community and a sense of belonging in an intimate, pedestrian-friendly manner, In addition to the residential units, common amenities such as a community room and facilities were included.

St. Anthony Apartments Fort Lauderdale, FL
The project is a 36 unit building with parking below is designed to fit within an existing parish parking lot. The floor plan provides a mix of one, two, and three-bedroom units to meet local market dynamics

Canalside Apartments Miami Beach, FL
This twenty-four-unit apartment building resides at the base of a canal leading to Biscayne Bay. The configuration of the building is configured to provide maximum views and build-out within the site footprint, orientation, and ordinance. Each unit has views of the canal directly off of the common living and dining areas. All bedrooms face east towards the Atlantic. This through building unit plan configuration corresponds to vertical circulation in three stacks, each serving eight units. Keyed access to entry for two units per floor provides for privacy at front entrances. Four two-bedroom units and one three and one-bedroom units are provided floor plate per the demand in the local market.

Mount Ascutney Trail-side Condominiums Brownsville, VT
100 Condominiums (50-3BRD, 50-2BR) were constructed. Design activities included master planning and interior design. The design reflects the rich local architectural vernacular and building traditions in both design motifs and materials, such as wood clapboard siding and local carpentry details. The design solution provides for economical constriction and quality construction. A highly concentrated project schedule was maintained through fast-track methodologies and the use of multiple general contractors to design and construct the project within a total of 12 months.