Mixed Use
Albany and Woodland Urban Redevelopment Hartford, CT
This winning design-build competition proposal entailed programming and preliminary site and building design used to redevelop a virtual node in the City of Hartford. The Albany and Woodland function both as an access point to the city for commuters, as a vibrant neighborhood providing critical community, and cultural functions and services. It is a neighborhood in the process of regeneration, Accordingly, the design mandate was to both provide local amenities and housing, as well as to secure engagement with commuters with retail and foodservice establishments.
The architectural approach acknowledges the rich architectural history of Hartford and the local fabrics of the built environment in materials, proportions, and detailing, while at the same time creating energetic modern massing, Multiple build-out scenarios were studied for the developers in order to work with potential tenants and tenant types. The directives of local neighborhood groups and stakeholders and the City of Hartford also meshed with those of the developer in order to conceive the winning proposal.
San Juan Bosco Urban Redevelopment Miami, FL
The San Juan Bosco is a vibrant parish serving the Calle Ocho (Little Havana) district in the heart of Miami. In addition to its religious functions, the parish provides an exemplary level of service to the community, providing support and guidance to south Florida’s immigrant community. The goal of the project is to provide a development structure in support of both the parish’s vital community functions of the school, child care, senior, legal, and health services while achieving a viable development build-out scenario for the developer to achieve a viable return on the investment.
Towards that end, we studied a number of build-out scenarios for various developers to examine with the Archdiocese of Miami and the parish. Mixes and configurations of retail, parking, multi-family, residential, and parish functions were pursued interlocking across this inner-city block. At the heart of the block and the parish is the existing church, around which these various configurations were deployed. A courtyard surrounding the church provides the destination, that which in combination with the church is the identity of the parish and locus from which all parish functions are accessed. Retail is accessible directly from the street, while residential has private access via access from smaller side streets and directly from parking. Located within the buildings inside a horseshoe below the buildings, covered parking is provided for retail, parish, and residential users. Residential density is achieved via towers.